Category: Jobs

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Poland vs Lithuania: Which is the Best for Your VASP License?

Introduction With crypto becoming more mainstream, its adoption in the European Union is underway. The EU provides a decent environment for crypto businesses, especially with the MiCA regulation fully coming into effect at the end of 2024. Nonetheless, crypto businesses that want to operate within the EU, need to have Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) […]

2 months ago
Germany lost 92% of the web3 jobs this year, LinkedIn data reveals

As 2023 comes to a close, the landscape of web3 jobs has undergone significant shifts. Bitcoin-mentioning jobs are down 95%, crypto jobs are cut by 90%, and blockchain jobs are cut by half. At a country level, Germany has seen the biggest fall from 1st to 9th place globally while losing 92% of the web3 […]

1 year ago
Europe: The Epicenter of the Blockchain Job Market

The rapid rise of blockchain technology has fostered a significant demand for specialists in the field worldwide. Yet, it is Europe that stands out as the epicenter of blockchain-related job opportunities. With a commanding 67.8% of the total global blockchain jobs, Europe far outpaces other regions in the blockchain job market. But what makes Europe […]

2 years ago