So what is Bitcoin, how does it work, and why won’t people stop talking about it? Those are all great questions that we’ll answer (mostly) in this book. Bite Size Bitcoin is your handy guide to the world’s best-known cryptocurrency. We’ll cover the basics and the good bits. By the time you’ve finished this book, you’ll know how to set up a Bitcoin wallet, put bitcoins in said wallet, and keep them there. Along the way you’ll learn about million dollar pizzas, heists, how the Allies won the Second World War with math, and why you should never, ever reuse passwords. It’ll be fun!
Part 1 – Why Bitcoin?
1.1. What is Bitcoin?
1.2 Bitcoin: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Part 2: How to Get Started with Bitcoin
2.1 Getting Started with Bitcoin
2.2 Exchange Reviews
2.3 What is Encryption?
2.3 How do Bitcoin Wallets Work?
2.4 An Abridged History of Exchange Hacks
Part 3: Blockchains 101
3.1 What in the Name of God is a Blockchain
3.2 Blockchain Pros and Cons
Part 4: Bitcoin in the Real World
4.1 Actually Buying Stuff with Bitcoin
Part 5: Glossary